Tuesday 30 June 2015

Psychofresh Party

Its that time Again When our young, beautiful and radiant geniuses come to party.  And We are throwing it open to the whole Great ife community come and experience the Dopest party Ever


 Amos Ajeleye


 3rd Sept

 Oyo state/ saki west


I am from a polygamous family and the last born of them all,it has not been easy at all but to God be the glory.

I attended Blessed Nur/Pri sch(1998-2002) and Community secondary sch(2003-2009) all in Saki before gaining admission in OAU in 2012. .



Because it goes with any color and one of the most popular colours

One day success will bring back our friends who left us during the struggle but definitely not as friends but as fans

WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? Talking and politics


Tomilayo,  Catherine, odediji jummy

Knowing more about human behaviour

Psy313 human sexuality

Dr Femi ilevbare

 (5) YEARS? Though man propose but God dispose, have a farm,get money and marry my beau

 No embarrassing moment,I take everything lightly

 When my dad increase my secondary sch pocket money from #10 to #20

When we have a positive mind things will be better no matter the obstacle(positivity)

My goons; mykel,deji,femi,Hon.seun



The Black and White television,
We ought to see a vision unravel through this tele-vision,
Your skin-color black against your light,
So you wanna make me white, and I want to darken you,
I bleach my dark, and you keep yours,
But still I hate you and you hate me.
Slowly, I begin to see that color is not a thing of my skin,
But the pigmentation that colours my perception,
And so I can’t take you, I’ll break you and embrace me, you fear I stain you,
So I take daggers and you shoot guns,
We start a battle as soon as we see,
Our colors just don’t go round.
People just don’t understand,
Maybe they do,
Maybe it’s me,
Maybe I don’t just understand it all,
And so I hate your skin, and you hate mine,
And keep killing each other, over a cause.

                                                                            Captain Luke.

How to Keep Your Man from Cheating

Image result for picture of a hot ladySo you've finally found Prince Charming! He's sweet and kind and treats you like a queen. You know he's a keeper, and you sure don't want to be part of the huge statistics of women who have lost their prince charming to the wicked witch of the west. The war has begun. Here are some tips to help you fight against this.

1.Secure your territory mentally and emotionally. If you have never meditated, had a prayer life or some kind of regular relaxation ritual, now is the time to start. These practices will help you to be a safe harbor for yourself and everyone around you, especially your man. Men are drawn like a magnet to a woman who seems to "have it all together", but repelled from one that seems to be an emotional wreck. We all know how tumultuous relationships can be, so mental and emotional stability is a must!
2.Secure him with a smile. Men enjoy the company of a light spirited, energetic, witty, carefree, friendly yet classy gal with a subtle sense of responsibility and reliability. If you walk around with heavy shoulders and a tired looking face, you can bet that men will run away from you.
3.Make him know he's needed, but don't be overly clingy. When you have your own life, you bring a breath of fresh air into the relationship. But don't make the mistake of handling everything yourself; let your man do his part and he will know that he is needed. When a man feels he's not needed, or his efforts are "not" appreciated, he becomes emotionally vulnerable to other women.
4.Mesmerize him. Exercise hygiene. Wear nice, form flattering garments, which don't necessarily have to be expensive. Keep your hair clean and neat. Make sure that your man never forgets what turned him on to you in the first place, but be careful to not always stay the same either. Competition is tough out there and some women may just want your man because he's taken, as the saying goes, "People want what they can't have." You can be sure they'll put up a fight.
Image result for picture of a couple laying in bed
5.Keep the Game hot. Never make the mistake of getting too boring when it comes to the game. It may just be the very thing that holds your relationship together in a trying time. There is plenty of help on the net about how to keep yourself stimulated in the game even if you are not in the mood. Get  educated and ensure that it is never a burden for your man to play the game with you. Find out what pleases him and do your best to meet his expectations. Tell him yours. He wouldn't mind meeting your wow needs.



Okonjo-Iweala replies Oshiomole over allegations she spent $2.1bn oil fund without approval

Immediate past Minister of Finance Ngozi Okonjo Iweala has responded to allegations that she spent $2.1 billion from the Excess Crude Account without the approval of the National Economic Council. While speaking  to newsmen after the inauguration of the National Economic Council yesterday June 29th, Governor Adams Oshiomole  accused the former minister of spending  $2.1 billion from the Excess Crude Account without the necessary authorization.
"We looked at the numbers for the Excess Crude Account. The last time the former Minister of Finance and Coordinating Minister of the Economy, Mrs Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, reported to the council, and it is in the minutes, she reported by November 2014 that we had $4.1 bn. Today, the Accountant-General Office reported we have $2.0bn.
Which means the honourable minister spent $2.1bn without authority of the NEC and that money was not distributed to states, it was not paid to the three tiers of government,” Adams Oshiomhole said
However in a statement released and signed by her spokesperson Paul Nwabuikwu today June 30th, Dr Okonjo-Iweala said there was no authorized spending from the Excess Crude Account under her watch as Minister of Finance. She described the allegations as a political witch hunting.
"It is curious that in their desperation to use the esteemed National Economic Council for political and personal vendetta, the persons behind these allegations acted as if the constitutionally recognized FAAC, a potent expression of Nigeria’s fiscal federalism, does not exist. But Nigerians know that collective revenues, allocations and expenditures of the three tiers of government are the concern of the monthly FAAC meetings. It is important to acknowledge the efforts of governors who are working hard to overcome the current revenue challenges facing their states without resorting to character assassination and blame games.
It is clear that this is the latest chapter of a political witch-hunt by elements who are attempting to use the respected National Economic Council for ignoble purposes having failed abysmally in their previous attempts to tar the Okonjo-Iweala name.  It will be recalled that one of such attempts took place in May when some of these governors, hiding under the auspices of the Nigerian Governors Forum asked Okonjo-Iweala to explain $20 billion alleged to be missing from the same ECA. The Finance Ministry subsequently issued a news release and published an advertorial in national newspapers on May 25, 2015 giving details of what the Federal Government and states received from the ECA in the last four years. It also provided details of the use of the funds for payment of petrol subsidies for the Nigerian public and SURE-P allocations to the three tiers for development purposes.
After the publication, the accusers lost their voice. But the latest allegations show that these persons are still in the business of throwing up wild, unsubstantiated figures to damage Okonjo-Iweala’s name. For instance, within the last few months, Governor Oshiomhole and his fellow travelers have asked Okonjo-Iweala to account for “missing” $30 billion, $20 billion and now $2.1 billion. What they don’t seem to understand is that the strategy has lost all credibility because the falsehood is clear for all to see.  How can some governors who fought FG’s efforts to leave robust savings in the ECA and even took the Federal Government to court over the matter turn around to make such unfounded allegations? The world knows that it was Okonjo-Iweala who pioneered, during her first stint as Minister of Finance in the Obasanjo administration, the practice of publishing monthly updates of all allocations to different tiers of government in order to empower Nigerians with information and knowledge of government revenues and expenditure.
This enabled the Nigerian public to ask questions about the utilization of these resources. Of course many elected and appointed public officials were not happy with this development. She continued this practice when she returned in 2011 and even added periodic updates on the Excess Crude Account, subsidy payments for verified claims by oil marketers for fuel imports as well as SURE-P payments to the three tiers of government. Against this background, the idea that she spent $2.1 billion “without authorization” is simply not credible given that details of government receipts and expenditure are public knowledge. We believe that Nigerians are too smart to be hoodwinked by this partisan desperation to tar the name of Okonjo-Iweala. In the interest of the country, we advise that public officials should avoid the temptation to politicize economic issues so that balanced analysis can lead to real solutions.”the statement read

Sunday 28 June 2015

5 Things You Should Never Do When You Two First Start Dating

The embryonic stage of your courtship, relationship or whatever you call it when you first start dating is quintessentially the most important time. While youre excited to have met someone new or actually moving on to a new part of your life, its a time where you have to make sure you dont ruin things by getting too far ahead of yourself. Theres nothing that anyone can do about what goes on in your head about your new dating adventure, but the goal is to keep those things from coming out. Once those thoughts turn into actions, things go awry. Here are the Five Things You Should Never Do

 1. Facebook stalk them

It seems as though most peoples first reaction to meeting someone and finding out their last name is to immediately friend them on Facebook. After the friendship is complete, ladies go straight into your pictures looking for any recurring faces like your ex-girlfriend. The men go straight into your pictures looking for Spring Break pictures. Both of these are wrong. Facebook is a great social networking tool, but it shouldnt replace good old-fashioned getting to know one another.

2. Follow them on twitter

Think for a moment what Twitter is about. Its a status updating platform for people to tell the world everything theyre thinking. While it may seem like a good idea to follow the person you just started dating, dont you think thats rushing the process a bit? When people tweet, they dont necessarily tweet from the heart. Theres also a loss of tone. How do you know if he or she is actually joking around or playing with their friends? You can easily misinterpret them to be a jerk or rude when in reality you just crashed their trying to get an inside scoop.

3. Ask invasive questions

Ask anybody who knows me and theyll tell you that I believe in boundaries. Im a little more complex than most guys because Im very careful not to ask questions that would lead to similar questions being asked back. With that said, when you start to ask questions like, Why did you break up with your ex-girlfriend? on the first date, or So I wanted to ask you about [that embarrassing story from college that theyve somehow uncovered by doing a deep dive on your past], youre way out of line. When people ask me when is the right time to bring up the tough questions, I always say, When theyre necessary, not when you feel like you need to know.

4. Rush things

The easiest way to get to a meaningful relationship is to develop the relationship organically.
Organically means naturally and at a normal pace without any additives. I understand that no one likes idle time. I also understand that people are goal-oriented. But for Petes sake, dont rush the relationship! Take your time; give both yourselves time to want to be in the midst of a relationship. You cant go from dinner on Friday night, to an early morning text about brunch on Saturday, to how do you feel about going to 12 oclock service with me on Sunday? Take your time; you’ll scare the other person away if you start smothering them out the gate.

5. Set absurd rules

Steve Harvey time! Let’s get this out of the way right now, Steve Harvey and his 90-day rule is the dumbest sh*t on the planet. You might end up waiting 90-days to have sex with someone. But if that’s a hard rule in your book, you got problems. Let me break this down for you.

If you tell me youre trying a 90-day rule before you have sex with me, Im going to ask you a question: Why? You’re going to attempt to answer that question and no matter what you say in your head, I’m going to think that in your past you’ve had problems keeping your legs closed. If you need a rule as silly as that one to make sure you make the right decisions when it comes to sex, we can’t date. I’m not saying that you should have sex on the first date. This is when you should have sex: when you’re ready, you trust him, and you know you won’t regret it.


How to Avoid the Friend Zone and Make Her Desire You

Afraid youll end up being just a friend with the girl you like? Use these tips on how to avoid the friend zone if you want to get into her pants. The friend zone is a tricky place to fall in. You may be trying hard to get close to a girl, close enough to tell her that you like her, but one fine day she turns around and tells you that you’re such a great friend, or worse, youre just like a brother to her.
Ever been there? I hope you haven’t.
Guys find themselves falling into the friend zone almost all the time.
It’s frustrating and demeaning, and at times, inevitable. You may get really close to a girl with all the hopes of getting into her pants, but somewhere along the way, you may have taken a few detours that led you right into the friend zone.
What is a friend zone?
A friend zone is a happy place for a girl. It’s a place where she and a guy can sit together and talk about anything and get real friendly with each other.
For a guy, a friend zone is the worst place to be in, especially when he likes the girl who behaves like a friend. In a friend zone, the two involved friends of the opposite sex are just friends and nothing more. They project no sexual interest towards each other and behave in a completely platonic manner. But can any guy ever be friends with a girl he finds sexually attractive? Or course not. He can try to be a friend with the hope of getting an occasional cuddle or a warm boob pressing hug now and then, but hes always going to be just being a friend while she dates every other guy in the yearbook.
How do guys end up falling into the friend zone?
A guy falls into a friend zone for very obvious reasons. He behaves like a friend. And he never lets the girl know that he has more than friendly intentions on his mind. And soon enough, the girl loses all realization of the fact that this guy has a package down there. And he just becomes another sexless thing she hangs out with all the time as a platonic friend.
So why do some guys end up as friends instead of boyfriends or sex buddies? Here’s why.
#1 they get too close. Getting too close to a girl on platonic grounds will never help you. You may assume that its the easiest way to get a girl to know you better. Shell definitely get to know you better, but only as a friend.
#2 No sexual chemistry. If a guy likes a girl, he has to make it subtly obvious that hes sexually interested in her. If a guy behaves like a pushover and a doormat, no girl will feel even a tingle of sexual chemistry.
#3 The girl’s not attracted to the guy. This sucks, but this is the most common scenario. The guy’s probably creepy, annoying or just not good enough to be her boyfriend.
#4 The guy thinks she’s too good for him. At times, a guy may genuinely believe that the girl he likes is way too good for him. And instead of hitting on her, he secretly lusts for her, but gives up on pursuing her. Could you ever live with yourself by just being the friend of a sexy girl who dates every other guy but you?
#5 He always play the true friend card. It works in the movies all the time. The girl has a best friend whos always there for her. She goes ahead and dates every single guy in the world, and finally, at the end of the movie she sees her true love in the form of her best friend. How touching! And that’s why they call it the movies. In real life, you cant become a girls boyfriend just by behaving like a best friend. How to avoid getting into the friend zone it’s really easy to avoid the friend zone. All you need to do is drop a few hints now and then to let her know that youre really into her.
Use these easy tips to get the message across and get her to desire you while youre at it.
#1 Be a friend without behaving like her other friends.
Dont talk nonsense for hours or spend time talking about her problems in life. Talk about places she visits, movies she’s watched, and her plans for the weekend. Talk date talk and shell sense the chemistry in the air.
#2 Try to talk to her when ‘alone.
If her other friends are around, talk to her if you must or just avoid her. You can’t really hit on a girl when she’s surrounded by a bevy of friends. But when you find her alone, make sure you turn on your charm and impress her. See her alone? Chat her up. And if one of her friends come by, grumble audibly in a funny manner and say something like just when I thought I was going to get some alone time with you, this guy pops up out of nowhere! and just laugh. Shell be confused and wonder if youre being serious or just joking.
But she’ll get the hint that you like spending time with her alone. Make it obvious that you like spending time with her in whatever way possible, but dont ask her out or tell her you like her just yet.
#3 Compliment her when she deserves it.
 Flatter her pants off. If she looks good, tell her she looks hot. If you see a hint of cleavage and she catches you staring, just laugh, apologize and tell it you couldn’t resist it. Add a few funny sexual remarks and you’ll never get into the friend zone.
#4 Touch her and treat her like your girlfriend.  
But do it respectfully though. Clasp her hand while crossing the street and open doors for her when it’s just the both of you. Make her feel like a queen, and she’ll love the attention. But when her friends are around, dont give her any preferential treatment. Let her realize that youre special to her only when its just the two of you.
#5 Make her feel special and exclusive.
Gift her something small and personal, but tell her to keep it a secret. When you create secrets, you build sexual chemistry and suspense which leads to romance.
#6 Ask her out and change the topic.
When you’re talking to her for a while, ask her out for lunch or coffee. See how she responds. But within a second, change the topic. Don’t wait for her to answer. It’ll seem like a joke, but it’ll still make her wonder if you really do want to date her. Dont make things awkward by waiting a while before saying something else. Keep it simple, keep it funny and yet reveal all the dirty thoughts in your mind, and change the topic immediately.
Wondering how to avoid the friend zone? Just understand these pointers and use these tips. You’ll never fall into the friend zone with any girl ever again!